Upper Layers Skin Care
If your skin is having some undesirable condition, come as you are.
We promise effective treatments and fast results.

Basic Facial $59.99 and up.
A modest way to be introduzed to the healthy habit of enjoying skin care. Share your concerns with our experts, vent your facial past
experiences, mention your current skin products, but for goodness sake begin today!

Clinical Facial $75.00 and up.
This is a more throughly approach and highly
recommend it for oily skin and acne sufferers. Expect some discomfort and redness after treatment.

Microdermabrasion $95.00 and up.
A very simple and straight forward procedure that mechanically dislodge superficial old and damaged cells. It helps to dramatically minimize scars. It rejuvenates skin and activates specialized cells into a high gear repair mode.

Oxygent Therapies $95.00 and up.
Besides its relaxing and cooling effects, oxigent therapies are a reliable source of fuel to skin cells. It is more effective after having intensive treatments done like Clinical Facials, Microdermabrasions or Chemical peels.

Chemical Peels $275.00 and up.
Undoubtely, skin peels bring dramatic changes on the skin. Its powerful ingredients force the skin’s top layers to “unglue” allowing new looking cell layers to its surface.
Allow at least 7-10 days of down time.

Body Scrub $149.95 and up.
They have a welcome moisturizing effect on your skin. Scrub usually contain essential oils and other substances that can make your skin soft and smooth. Body scrub will clean your skin and help you to get rid of dead cells and dirt.

Photo facial $175.00 and up.
Procedure to help stimulate new collagen formation. A typical outcome is improvement of skin texture and
tone. Also, pigmented and vascular lesions are reduced or removed, and subtle reduction of fine lines.
Pampering and facial massage $95 and up.
Exclusively a relaxing therapy. An effective way to reward yourself and your skin. It brings about a flow of gratifying energy that your skin and its innate receptors are more than ready to receive.

Permanent Hair Reduction
Mustache $39.95 and up
Sideburns $39.95 and up
Underarms $39.95 and up
Tummy Wraps $59.95
6 to up session packages
Consultation is free. Packages are less expensive than individual sessions. Our IPL Permanent Hair Reduction equipment caters exclusively to darker hair.
CryoProbe is a devise that treats stubborn and swollen pustules. It sprays a flow of freezing gas that instanly destabilize bacteria activity. Results are usually overnight.

Ask us about removing those pesky skin tags or skin imperfections....